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In our many years of experience, when it comes to the winter months, we have always had the same questions from tenants and landlords and this is, "How do we prevent mould from taking over our property?"

Here at Charter Whyman, we have a few tips, and we hope these will be helpful.

With winter in full swing, and it brings with it, dark, wet, and damp days. During these winter months, our homes can become a breeding ground for mould and mildew and with this comes all sort of health risks such as respiratory problems, headaches, eye irritation, skin allergies and these are only some of the few that are complained off.
So, what can we do to help this situation?

1) Ventilation – Even as a person who is a fan of winter, opening windows with that blast of icy air, is not on my favourite list. We do tend to bundle up for winter to stay warm and dry but that is not the same for a home. Our homes are well insulated to keep warm air in, but we do need to ensure we ventilate the house time to time. Activities such as cooking or showering, drying clothes indoors create additional moisture in the property and this moisture needs a place to go. During the summer months, we can keep the windows open and the exact opposite during winter.
This excess moisture then meets a chilly surface which then releases the water. You will notice liquid droplets on your surfaces, and this creates the perfect breeding ground for mould spores. Allow an hour or so of fresh air and not only is this good for your home, but good for your health too.

2) Keep the moisture under control – When cooking and showering, additional moisture is released in the air. Where possible, keep doors closed or lids on pans to prevent this moisture from being released into the air.
After you have a shower, close the shower door, and leave the extractor fan on for a few mins to allow the bathroom to ventilate. Alternatively, you can always leave a window open to allow the moisture to escape.
While cooking, it's always best to keep a window open to allow air flow. If you are boiling that yummy pasta or cooking rice, keep the pan lid on to prevent that moisture from escaping. Use extractor fans in the kitchen to help keep the moisture under control.

3) Check for Leaks – I have covered that excess moisture can be built from showering, cooking or drying clothes in doors, but it is always worth, regardless of the time of the year, to keep an eye on indoor leaks. From my experience the most common areas for sneaky leaks are under the sink, behind the toilet, and white goods such as washing machine pipes or dishwashers.
If you see, especially during winter, that the radiators are leaking, no matter how big or small, call a plumber straight away to prevent the issue from getting worse.

4) Drying Clothes Indoors – We are all guilty of this! If you want to dry your clothes indoors, make sure you leave the windows open. Why? So, we can remove the excess moisture in the air. AVOID putting wet or damp clothes on radiators and if you can, invest in a tumble dryer.

Of course, if the problems persist, always seek advice from a specialist but we do believe that most of the common causes of mould can be prevented with a few winter proof routines.